Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Terms of Use

    3. About Us

    4. How to Use this Course

    1. The Biopsychosocial Model

    2. A Refresher on Pain

    3. A Brief History of Pain

    4. The Legacy of Pain Theories

    5. Appraising the Evidence

    1. Introduction

    2. Acute vs Persistent Pain

    3. Biological Contributors to Pelvic Pain

    4. Central & Peripheral Sensitization

    5. Classifying Pain Mechanisms

    1. Psychologically Informed PT Practice

    2. Emotions and Pain

    3. Beliefs and Pain

    4. Coping Responses

    5. Sexual Dysfunction, Pelvic Pain, and Psychological Factors

    6. What Do You Believe?

    1. Introduction

    2. Social Support & Participation

    3. Relationships & Sexual Function

    4. Abuse

    5. Racism

    6. Trauma-Informed Care

    1. Developing and Recovering From Persistent Pain

    2. The Power of Context

    3. Our Role in the Biopsychosocial Model

    4. Motivational Interviewing Basics

    5. Harnessing the Power of History Taking

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content